The 2024 Chinese driver's test comprises 100 questions randomly selected from a pool of over 900. You will be given forty-five minutes in which to answer all the questions and you need to score 90 or more to pass.
The first forty questions require you to give a 'right' or 'wrong' answer to a given statement. The remaining sixty questions are multiple choice with four options.
The question bank has not been published as it is the intention of the Ministry of Public Security that students must learn the traffic regulations and understand the intention of the rules rather than memorize answers to questions.
The questions on this site have been derived from Chinese sites that have acquired transcriptions of the question bank in Chinese and which I have in turn translated. I have tried to recreate the Chinglish of the actual driving test by using both the accounts of people who have taken the new test in English and also the translation matrix used in a previous question bank which was published in both Chinese and English.
Note that whilst I understand that the motorcycle test is very similiar to the test for a motor vehicle driving license, it is worth heading over the forums for advice.
For specific information about traffic law please refer to the
Law of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety.
The syllabus for the test is not very helpful but if you want to take a look it is